Some Vital Questions Addressed Before Buying Barbell Collars 


To prevent the plates from falling off the bar or rattling as you lift, POWER GUIDANCE Barbell Collars Barbell Clips include safety devices that clamp onto the barbell sleeve. When the insert diameter of the plates is slightly greater than the diameter of the barbell sleeve or if you are loading plates almost to the end of the sleeve, there is a good probability that they will slip off the barbell. 

Are barbell collars necessary? 

Indeed, barbell collars constitute a bare minimum requirement for any home and business gym. Barbell collars can prevent weights from slipping off a barbell while you are lifting. You are more likely to be hurt if there are no barbell collars. Your toes might be crushed by the weights, or muscle pulls could result from an exercise’s abrupt weight loss. 

As you attempt to lift greater weights or do intense exercises like the snatch or clean and jerk, barbell collars prove even more crucial. 

Do barbell collars have an alternative? 

Barbell collars are the only practical option, thus if you want to prevent injury, you need to spend money on a good pair. No other option can assist you prevent the plates from coming off the bar as the load on your bar rises; 2-inch Olympic Barbell Clamps are your only option. 

Which is better, spring or barbell lock collars?

Other than being inexpensive, spring barbell collars don’t have any advantages. They are delicate and a real pain to use. Small hands will be difficult to squeeze and will experience substantial friction throughout the barbell sleeve and the collar. 

On the other hand, barbell lock collars are more robust, and heavier, and may also be used with specialty bars. Compared to spring collars, lock collars are simpler to use since you don’t need to squeeze them. 

Should collars be used for weightlifting chains?

Yes, you can connect weightlifting chains to your barbells using specialized barbell collars. These collars may be used to secure weightlifting chains onto them and prevent the weights from detaching from your bar. They have a device where you can hook the weightlifting chain, which keeps the chains and weights firmly fastened to the bar. 


Many barbell collars available in the market are quite aesthetically beautiful. However, you aim to prevent injuries, so when choosing a collar, do not sacrifice functionality for style. Examine the collar’s durability and guarantee because it must take the force of falls daily, particularly if you frequently drop the bar. 


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